O&P Technician Education & Training By Ruthie H. Dearing, MHSA, JD Enter the O&P lab at Spokane Falls Community College (SFCC) and you instantly realize this is not your typical classroom. Individual work benches, strewn with tools of the trade,…
Category: Tech Tips
January/ February 2019 Tech Tips
A Bright Future—Technicians Needed By Joanna Kenton, CPO, LPO, FAAOP On Aug. 21, 2017, the day of the “great American solar eclipse,” I began my career as a prosthetic technician instructor. While America was out sporting their eclipse glasses, I…

August 2018 Tech Tips
3-D Tech The latest innovations in 3-D printing will be explored at the AOPA National Assembly Are you looking for an opportunity to learn the ins and outs of 3-D printing? Then you won’t want to miss the full-day program,…

August 2018 Tech Tip – 2018 AOPA National Assembly Technical Program
Boost Your Technical Skills Jumpstart your technical career at the 2018 AOPA National Assembly Organizers from AOPA and the Orthotic and Prosthetic Technical Association (OPTA) have joined forces to bring you programs such as, “A Modular Approach to Dynamic Bracing,”…
July 2018 Tech Tips
The Technician’s Role in Patient Care During the Fabrication Process Technicians should strive for good working relationships with both clinicians and patients By Herman Green, CTP, CPA The role of the technician in O&P patient care during the fabrication process…