LAS VEGAS — OP Solutions Inc. is building a prosthetist directory for the Amputee Coalition that will be ready to launch in about 3 months, Jason T. Kahle, MS, CPO, FAAOP, CEO of OP Solutions Inc., announced during the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association National Assembly, here.

Jason T. Kahle
Kahle shared details of the partnership during a presentation on resources for O&P practice management as part of the Hammontree Lecture series.
“The amputee … can basically come to the Amputee Coalition’s website and access the tool,” he said. “It will allow the amputee the power to find and sort the prosthetists so that they can go where they want to go.”
The tool will allow amputees to look for prosthetists with specific qualities or characteristics. Kahle gave examples of patients who might be looking specifically for a female prosthetist, a prosthetist who is also an amputee or an ABC-certified prosthetist.
Prosthetists will pay an annual fee of $100 to maintain a presence on the registry. He emphasized that the registry will not rate prosthetists. To join the registry, visit
“This is not an Angie’s List; it is more [similar to a site like] Travelocity,” he said. “The amputee who is looking for the prosthetist will be the one to decide what is most important to them. We are just simply going to give them the tool to sort that.” — by Amanda Alexander
For more information:
Kahle JT. Review of resources for orthotic and prosthetic practice management. Presented at: American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association National Assembly; Sept. 4-7, 2014; Las Vegas.
Disclosure: Kahle has no relevant financial disclosures.