Dynamic Elastomeric Fabric Orthosis an Option in Pediatric Neuropathic Scoliosis

A retrospective audit of physical therapy notes of children with neurological conditions showed the potential role of dynamic elastomeric fabric orthoses vs. rigid orthoses in treatment.

Martin J.A. Matthews, M.Phil, presented data from chart audits performed on 188 children with neurological disorders, including cerebral palsy, neuromuscular dystrophy, a spinal condition, developmental delay or other disorder to determine the use and efficacy of dynamic elastomeric fabric orthoses (DEFOs) for treatment of scoliosis. The DEFOs were prescribed for scoliosis management to address compliance and comfort, which are major complaints from individuals using traditional rigid orthoses.

Of 35 patients prescribed a DEFO in whom evidence for the prescription was available, 26 (74%) were issued the DEFO following a scoliosis diagnosis. Nine children (26%) who had been prescribed a DEFO as a preventative measure went on to develop scoliosis.

The population of individuals was heterogeneous as it pertained to presentation, degree of curvature, curve progression and use. Researchers said the audit highlighted the significant variation in the use of orthoses in the five different treatment locations, and Matthews said it was difficult to draw any definitive conclusions. Although some of the DEFOs proved effective, additional research is warranted, he said.

For more information, visit the Association for Children’s Prosthetic-Orthotic Clinics website at www.acpoc.org, call (847) 698-1637 or email [email protected].

For more information:
Matthews M. Paper #15.

Disclosure: Matthews is employed by, receives stock or stock option in, and is a paid consultant for DM Orthotics Ltd.

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