The Amputee Coalition National Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, included Orthotic & Prosthetic Activities Foundation First Clinics that focused on swimming, dancing and fitness.
First Swim, which offered instruction to amputees on ways to improve their stroke and feel comfortable in and around water, was led by Mabio Costa, a two-time world champion triathlete, according to a press release from the Orthotic & Prosthetic Activities Foundation (OPAF).
First Dance was led by clinic co-founder Curtis Haremza of Clarkston, Michigan. The dance lessons included the rhumba, fox trot and a conga line.
John Kinder, a below-the-knee amputee and workout specialist, led the First Fit clinic. Kinder and OPAF’s Emma Durante led more than 40 amputees through a series of exercises using a stretch band, according the release.
