OPAF seeks nominations for board of directors

The Orthotic & Prosthetic Activities Foundation recently announced the annual search for individuals to join its board of directors.

Board members for the Orthotic & Prosthetic Activities Foundation (OPAF) serve a 3-year term and are required to attend at least one of the two in-person board meetings held in conjunction with the national meetings of the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA) and American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists (AAOP). Board members also are expected to take active roles in the adaptive recreation events organized by OPAF and the First Clinics, as well as with OPAF fundraising efforts.

Nominees will be accepted for at least one and up to three seats on the board. At least one nominee must be a credentialed O&P practitioner through the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics (ABC) or the Board of Certification/Accreditation (BOC).

OPAF is looking for nominees with a history of community and volunteer work with a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization, as well as familiarity with and dedication to fundraising and a strong commitment to OPAF’s mission “to enable individuals — especially those served by members of the orthotic and prosthetic community — to enjoy the rewards of personal achievement, physical fitness and social interaction,” according to the release.

Nomination materials are due to the OPAF office by Sept. 1, 2015. Terms will begin Dec. 1, 2015.

For more information, please contact Robin Burton, executive director of OPAF, at 980-819-9404 or [email protected], or any current OPAF board member.

Reference: http://opafonline.org/about/

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