AOPA announces call for papers

The American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association National Assembly program committee is now accepting abstracts for free papers and symposia to be presented Sept. 4-7 in Las Vegas.

The committee is looking for abstracts that cover business operations or office management, case studies, clinical technique without patient data, fabrication technique, literature reviews, novel research and product or device descriptions or review, among others. Abstracts should contain a title, summary, introduction, methodology, results and conclusion.

Symposia should present thematically related research addressing significant problems or controversies in O&P. The symposia should bring together one or more of the world’s leading researchers to present current developments and planned research directions. Where appropriate, symposia should present differing points of view on a particular topic.

All abstracts and symposia must be submitted before March 10 for consideration. Abstracts must be submitted electronically using the online form here. The submission form for symposia can be found here. For more information, call (571) 431-0876 or email Tina Moran at [email protected].

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