Ottobock has announced Hilbert Potter of Louisville, Ky., as the winner of Ottobock’s C-Leg 15 Year Anniversary Photo Contest for August.

Hilbert Potter of Louisville, Ky., won Ottobock’s C-Leg 15 Year Anniversary Photo Contest for the month of August. His winning photo was taken at the PGA Championship recently held in Louisville.
Source: Ottobock
Hilbert is an Army veteran who lost his leg while serving in Iraq in 1991 but has continued to live an active life. As a physical therapist, he works with soldiers in the Warrior Transition Unit at Fort Knox, Ky., and has twice completed the Kentucky Derby Festival Mini-Marathon.
His winning photo was taken at the PGA Championship recently held in Louisville, where in his volunteer duties he met the challenge of walking the entire 18-hole course for 3 days.
Ottobock implemented the photo contest as part of the celebration taking place to mark the arrival of the C-Leg in the United States in 1999 and to highlight its impact. The contest asks users of the C-Leg or another prosthetic product to submit photos or videos showing how it has changed their lives. One winning photo or video will be chosen each month through November. Details of the photo contest are available at