LAS VEGAS — Targeted training improves prosthetists’ confidence in administering outcome measures and could facilitate increased use of outcome measures in clinical practice, according to study results presented at a Thranhardt Lecture series at the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association National Assembly, here.

Susan Spaulding
Susan Spaulding, MS, CPO, teaching associate for the Department of Rehabilitative Medicine at the University of Washington, and colleagues created a training program for a group of 79 prosthetists.
“The first objective [of the study] was to assess the frequency of outcome measure use by prosthetists, and the second was to evaluate the effects of training on prosthetists’ confidence in administering the AMP [Amputee Mobility Predictor] and the TUG [Timed Up and Go],” Spaulding said.
The study began with a survey, which showed that from a group of 20 possible outcome measures, prosthetists mainly rely on three measures: the AMP, the PAVET (Patient Assessment Validation Evaluation Test) and the DWT (Distance Walk Test).
“The majority of prosthetists — or 62% of the 79 prosthetists surveyed — reported that they didn’t routinely use any of the listed outcome measures in their clinical practice,” Spaulding said.
The researchers measured the prosthetists’ level of confidence in administering the AMP and the TUG before and after a training session that combined didactic and interactive strategies.
“We found the training had a great impact,” Spaulding said.
The researchers found a statistically significant improvement in the prosthetists’ confidence in administering the outcome measures.
Spaulding said a follow-up study, now 2 years after the original study, is being conducted to determine the long-term effectiveness of the training. — by Amanda Alexander
For more information:
Spaulding S. Prosthetists’ confidence administering outcome measures. Presented at: American Orthotic & Prosthetic National Assembly; Sept. 4-7, 2014. Las Vegas.
Disclosure: The study was funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child and Human Development of the National Institutes of Health.