O&P News Names the O&P News 175

On behalf of SLACK Incorporated, publisher of O&P News, I would like to congratulate members of our inaugural edition of the O&P News 175.

What is the O&P News 175? Simply stated, the O&P News 175 is a list of O&P professionals the editors and publisher have identified as leading innovators in the field of orthotics and prosthetics. We gathered together the names of practitioners, clinicians, educators, researchers, technicians, administrators and industry representatives we knew were working to reshape the O&P profession. The list is a good compilation of O&P professionals who either work to educate their colleagues; conduct research into new and novel technologies to advance the profession; continue the legacies and long-standing traditions of O&P businesses; or innovate the unique business aspects of the O&P industry.

The editors and publisher used no magic formula or algorithm to develop the O&P News 175 list. Rather, we went with our collected knowledge and experience with these individuals. Admittedly, we know we missed other O&P innovators, but overall, we believe it is a good list. We plan to use this list as a way to encourage discussion. Do you want to join the discussion? If so, please reach out to us and share your ideas and feel free to point out if you believe yourself or a colleague was inadvertently left off the list.

The O&P profession is a community and we believe the O&P News 175 is a tool for kick-starting conversations and expanding the community’s voice in health care. In future issues, we will share with you results of the surveys we conduct, video perspectives we gather and Round Table discussion we conduct with O&P News 175 members.

We look forward to your feedback and how we can best use O&P News and O&P News 175 to do even better for the profession.

Kristine Houck, MA, ELS
Editorial Director
O&P News

[email protected]


Walter Afable, CP
Chicago, Illinois

Peter Allard
Rockaway, New Jersey

Randall Alley, CP, BSc, CP
Westlake Village, California

Kate Allyn, CPO, FAAOP
Seattle, Washington

Michael Angelico
Hickory Hills, Illinois

Ryan Arbogast
Mount Sterling, Ohio

Brooke Artesi, CPO, LPO, CMF
Wayne, New Jersey

Vinit K. Asar
Austin, Texas

Debbie Ayres
Alexandria, Virginia

Jon Batzdorff, CPO
Santa Rosa, California

Wendy Beattie, CPO, FAAOP
Ypsilanti, Michigan

Rudy Becker
Troy, Michigan

Gary G. Bedard, CO, FAAOP
Troy, Michigan

William D. Beiswenger, CPO, FAAOP
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Hugo Belzidsky
San Diego, California

Gary M. Berke, MS, CP, FAAOP
Redwood City, California

Sue Borondy
Miamisburg, Ohio

Jeffrey M. Brandt, CPO
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

George W. Breece
Fayetteville, North Carolina

John T. Brinkman, MA, CPO/L, FAAOP
Chicago, Illinois

Michael Burton
Charlotte, North Carolina

Robin Burton
Charlotte, North Carolina

Maynard Carkhuff
Irvine, California

James Campbell, CO, PhD
Troy, Michigan

Kevin Carroll, MS, CP, FAAOP
Orlando, Florida

Cathy Carter
Alexandria, Virginia

Walter Lee Childers, PhD, MSPO, CP
Alexandria, Virginia

Megan Zachar Christ, CPO
Alexandria, Virginia

Dennis Clark, CPO
Waterloo, Iowa

Sarah Clark
Waterloo, Iowa

Jeff Collins
Chico, California

Glenn Crumpton, CPO, CPed
Montgomery, Alabama

Tony Culver
New Port Richey, Florida

Don Cummings, CP, LP
Dallas, Texas

Charlie Dankmeyer
Linthicum Heights, Maryland

Alicia Davis, MPA, CPO, FAAOP
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Leigh Davis, MSPO, CPO, FAAOP
Atlanta, Georgia

Mark DeHarde
Pottstown, Pennsylvania

Thomas V. DiBello, CO, CAAOP
Houston, Texas

Carol Dionne, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS, Cert MDT
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Mark Edwards, CP, MHPE
Austin, Texas

Jeff Erenstone, CPO
Lake Placid, New York

Stefania Fatone, PhD, BPO (Hons)
Chicago, Illinois

Jennifer Fayter
Miamisburg, Ohio

James Fenton, CPO
Port St. Lucie, Florida

A.J. Filippis, CEO, CPO
Rochester Hills, Michigan

Karl Fillauer, CPO
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Alan R. Finnieston, CPO, LPO
Hialeah, Florida

Thomas F. Fise, JD
Alexandria, Virginia

Rick Fleetwood, MPA
Little rock, Arkansas

Ian Fothergill, CPO
Silver Spring, Maryland

Robert S. Gailey, MPT, PhD
Coral Gables, Florida

Steven A. Gard, PhD
Chicago, Illinois

Glenn Garrison, CPO
New York, New York

Mark D. Geil, PhD
Atlanta, Georgia

J.P. Gibeault
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Arlene Gillis, MEd, CP, LPO, FAAOP
Tampa, Florida

Brian J. Hafner, PhD
Seattle, Washington

Michelle Hall, CPO, FAAOP
St. Paul, Minnesota

Don Hardin
Union, Kentucky

Jeffrey Hedges, CDME
New Florence, Pennsylvania

David Hensley, CPO, LPO FAAOP
Puyallup, Washington

James L. Hewlett, BOCO
Redding, California

M. Jason Highsmith, PT, DPT, PhD
Tampa, Florida

Steve Hill, CO, BOCO
Asheville, North Carolina

Scott Hornbeak, MBA, CPO, FAAOP
Carson, California

Russell Hornfisher
Troy, Michigan

Gary W. Horton, CO, FAAOP
Little Rock, Arizona

Jared A. Howell, MS, CPO, LPO
Houston, Texas

Christopher Hovorka, MS, CPO, LPO, FAAOP
Atlanta, Georgia

Glenn Hutnick, CPO, CTP, FAAOP
Bohemia, New York

Al Ingersoll, CPO
Dublin, Ohio

Dennis Janisse, CPed
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Jason Kahle, MSME, CPO, FAAOP
Tampa, Florida

JoAnne L. Kanas, PT, CPO, DPT
Tampa, Florida

Susan Kapp, CPO, LPO, FAAOP
Dallas, Texas

Thomas P. Karolewski, CP, FAAOP
Hines, Illinois

Donald E. Katz, CO, LO, FAAOP
Dallas, Texas

Joel J. Kempfer, CP, FAAOP
Greenfield, Wisconsin

John Kenney, MURP, BOCO
Temecula, California

John “Mo” Kenney, CPO, LPO, FAAOP
Lexington, Kentucky

David Kerr
Orlando, Florida

John Kinder
Exton, Pennsylvania

Jeffry G. Kingsley
Costa Mesa, California

Charles Kuffel, MSM, CPO, FAAOP
Blaine, Minnesota

Aldo Laghi
St. Petersburg, Florida

Robert V. Leimkuehler, CPO
Cleveland, Ohio

Eileen Levis, HCA
Trevose, Pennsylvania

Anita Liberman-Lampear, MA
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Robert S. Lin, MEd, CPO, FAAOP
Hartford, Connecticut

Blair Lock, MSCE
Chicago, Illinois

Karen Lundquist
Austin, Texas

Pam Lupo, CO
Rochester Hills, Michigan

Jeff Lutz, CPO
Lafayette, Lousiana

Bryan S. Malas, MHPE, CO, CPed
Chicago, Illinois

Elizabeth Mansfield
Baiting Hollow, New York

Janet G. Marshall, CPO
Tampa, Florida

Dean Mason, LPed, LO, OST
Lorain, Ohio

Brad Mattear, LO, CPA
Chico, California

Greg Mattson, CTPO
Everett, Washington

Bruce “Mac” McClellan , CPO, LPO, FISPO, FAAOP
Tyler, Texas

Molly McCoy, CPO
Seattle, Washington

David McGill, JD
Foothill Ranch, California

Joseph McTernan
Alexandria, Virginia

John W. Michael, MEd, CPO, FAAOP
Chicago, Illinois

Joseph Miller, PhD
Washington, D.C.

Richard Miller, CO
Rochester, Minnesota

Wendy Miller, BOCO, CDME
Spring Grove, Pennsylvania

Daniel Minert, MS, CO, ATC
Flint, Michigan

Mike Mojica, CPO
Dallas, Texas

Ted Muilenburg, CP
Houston, Texas

Kate Muller, CPO, FAAOP
Mission Viejo, California

Mark Muller, MS, CP, FAAOP
Mission Viejo, California

Noel Murphy
Dublin, Ireland

Jonathan M. Naft, CPO, LPO
Chardon, Ohio

Cara Negri, BSMR, CP
Los Angeles, California

James Newberry, Jr., BOCO, BOCP, BOCPD
Oakland Park, Florida

Edward Neumann, PhD, PE, CP, FAAOP
Las Vegas, Nevada

Chris Nolan
Miamisburg, Ohio

Michael Oros
Chicago, Illinois

Matthew Parente, MS, PT, CPO
West Hartford, Connecticut

Stan Patterson, CP
Orlando, Florida

Matt Perkins
Boise, Idaho

Sara Peterson, MS, CPO, FAAOP
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Don Pierson, CO, CPed
Mesa, Arizona

Mark Pitkin, PhD
Boston, Massachusetts

William Powers, MBA, LFACHE
Midlothian, Virgina

Paul E. Prusakowski, CPO
Gainesville, Florida

Brooke Raasch, MA
Foothill Ranch, California

John Register
Colorado Springs, Colorado

John Reynolds, CPO
Glendale, CA

Jack Richmond, CPOA
Washington, D.C.

Christopher Robinson, MS, MBA, CPO, ATC, FAAOP
Chicago, Illinois

Gloria Rogers, PT, MMS, DPT
Washington, D.C.

James Rodgers, CPO/L, FAAOP
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Peter D. Rosenstein
Washington, D.C.

David B. Rotter, CPO
Chicago, Illinois

Brad Ruhl
Austin, Texas

Scott Sabolich
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Andrew Sawers, CPO, PhD
Washington, D.C.

Robin Seabrook
Alexandria, Virginia

Scott Schneider
Austin, Texas

Jon Shreter, CPO
Moorestown, New Jersey

Jonathan Schull, PhD
Rochester, New York

Jon Sigurosson
Foothill Ranch, California

Terrence P. Sheehan, MD
Rockville, Maryland

Justina S. Shipley, CO, MEd, BOCP, FAAOP
Benton, Louisiana

Eric Shoemaker, MS, CPO
Exton, Pennsylvania

Don Shurr, CPO, LPO, PT
Iowa City, Iowa

Mark Smith, CP
Kansas City, Kansas

Clint Snell, CPO
Shreveport, Louisiana

Rob Sobel, CPed
New Paltz, New York

Michael Sotak
Cleveland, Ohio

Rick Stapleton, CPO
Portsmouth, Virginia

Gerald E. Stark, Jr., BSME, CP, FAAOP
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Phillip M. Stevens, MEd, CPO, FAAOP
Salt Lake City, Utah

Jan Stokosa, CP, FAAOP
Lansing, Michigan

Susan Stout
Manassas, Virginia

Rochester, Illinois

Peter W. Thomas, JD
Washington, DC

Sarah Thomas, CPO
Essex Junction, Vermont

Rhonda F. Turner, PhD, MBA, JD, BOCO, BOCP
Houston, Texas

Scott Viglianti
Westfield, New Jersey

Matt Waidelich
La Verne, California

Lisa Watkins
Sterling, Ohio

Bradley Watson, BOCO, BOCP
Clarksville, Tennessee

Thomas H. Watson, CP
Owensboro, Kentucky

Ken Wilson
Austin, Texas

Scott Wimberley
Everett, Washington

Michael Wininger, PhD
West Hartford, Connecticut

Ann Yamane, CO
Seattle, Washington

James O. Young, Jr., CP, FAAOP
Macon, Georgia

Pam Young
Albany, Georgia

Claudia Zacharias, MBA, CAE
Owings Mills, Maryland

Barbara R. Ziegler, CPO, FAAOP
Creve Coeur, Missouri

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