July 23-25, 2015 | Orlando, Fla.
The Pedorthic Footcare Association and American Podiatric Medical Association Combined Meeting was the first of its kind, bringing podiatrists and pedorthists together to learn more about each other’s work and the ways in which they can collaborate. Held in Orlando, Fla., the meeting featured Kittra Owens, DPM, as its keynote speaker. Owens shared her experiences as a podiatrist for officers in the U.S. Navy. The conference offered separate educational tracks for podiatrists, pedorthists and podiatric medical assistants.
A highlight of the event for its fifth year in a row was the Team APMA 5K Run/Walk, held at the Hawk’s Landing Golf Course on the grounds of the Orlando World Marriott. Funds from the event, which has raised more than $60,000 overall, support the APMA Educational Foundation Student Scholarship Fund. Supporters had the chance to run, walk or sign up as a “sleeper” and donate to the cause while sleeping in. Other special events included a WERQ fitness class – also to raise money for the scholarship fund – a Podiatry Management Hall of Fame luncheon and an APMA Social Media Forum.
Next year’s meeting will take place July 14-17, 2016, in Philadelphia.

Images: Alexander A, O&P News.