Disabled American Veterans has proposed a new four-part framework for reforming the Veterans Affairs health care system.
Joseph Violante, National Legislative Director for Disabled American Veterans (DAV) presented the framework as he testified for the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee.
“The past year has largely focused on short-term solutions for VA to meet the immediate needs of veterans. But as we analyze and evaluate how these strategies have worked, we owe it to veterans to also develop a long-term plan to strengthen the VA moving forward,” Violante stated in a press release. “The framework we are proposing addresses critical areas to rebuild, restructure, realign and reform the VA health care system to meet the needs of America’s veterans well into the future.”
The DAV framework emphasizes rebuilding and sustaining VA’s capacity to provide timely, high-quality care, beginning with a long-term strategy to recruit, hire and maintain sufficient clinical staff at all VA treatment facilities. It includes restructuring the non-VA care program into a single integrated, extended care network, requiring VA to first complete research and analysis related to the choice program and allowing the Commission on Care to complete its work, with Congress providing a single, separate and guaranteed funding mechanism for the VA Extended Care program. It also includes realigning and expanding VA health care services to meet the diverse needs of future generations of veterans, beginning with the creation of VA urgent care services; and reforming VA’s management of the health care system by increasing efficiency, transparency and accountability in order to become a veteran-centric organization.
“The VA faces serious challenges and is in need of a pathway for reform that will uphold our nation’s promise to care for America’s wounded, ill and injured veterans,” Garry Augustine, DAV Washington headquarters executive director, stated. “Rather than fracturing veterans’ health care, DAV believes the VA must be strengthened, and should remain at the heart of how we deliver care to those who served.”

Former National Commander Bobby Barrera speaks with Maj. Thomas Marquardt, who is undergoing rehabilitation therapy at Brooke Army Medical Center near San Antonio, TX.
Source: Disabled American Veterans