Ottobock has announced Ryan Wallace of South Lake Tahoe, Calif., as the November winner of its C-Leg Heroes 15-year anniversary photo contest.
Wallace’s submission shows his prosthetic socket, inscribed with the names of his family and community who organized a fundraiser to purchase a new leg when his old prosthesis broke.
“It is a daily motivator and reminder of the kindness and generosity that was bestowed upon me,” Wallace said of the socket in his submission. “As a result, I intend to get the most out of every day.”
Wallace added, “The entire process has encouraged me to take online classes to finish my degree and prepare myself to be in a position to make a transcendent positive impact. I intend to be a dynamic leader in my community, and every time I put on my leg and see those names I know I have at least that many people behind me who will not let me fall. It has given me a tremendous amount of confidence.”

Shown is the November winner of the Ottobock C-Leg Heroes photo contest, taken by Ryan Wallace.
Source: Ottobock
According to a company press release, the C-Leg Heroes photo contest will continue through this month. Weekly winners received a C-Leg Heroes t-shirt and those winning the monthly overall prize were awarded an iPad or equivalent gift certificate. A grand prize of $1,000 will be awarded in December to one of the monthly winning participants.
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