Ottobock has announced Anthony Phillips, of San Diego, as the September winner and Patrick Ward of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., as the October winner of the company’s C-Leg 15 Year Anniversary photo contest.
Phillips’ photo submission shows him crossing the finish line of a 5K charity run almost 2 years to the day after his amputation.
“Following my amputation I underwent 6 months of chemotherapy and had a very slow recovery,” Phillips stated in a company press release. “I began running in 10-second intervals and it was an ordeal, but over several weeks I was able to sustain a respectable trot for maybe a quarter mile. Within 2 months, I was running a couple of miles at a time and prior to running this 5K I was up to running 5 miles on my once weekly long days.”
Phillips has run several 5Ks since the photo was taken and is preparing to complete a half marathon next summer.
Ward has undergone 47 surgeries for complications from a military service-related injury and had not walked for 12 years before his amputation 11 months ago, after which he was fitted for a C-Leg.
“On the first day when they were ready for me to start walking my prosthetist said, ‘Now get up and walk,’” Ward stated. “I turned looking for my crutches but could not find them and he said, ‘Patrick, if you are looking for your crutches they were about yesterday. This is today and you do not need them anymore.’ Within 15 minutes I was walking and I have not stopped since.”
Ward’s photo is one of many taken to chronicle his experiences since he began walking again.
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Shown are the most recent winners of Ottobock’s C-Leg 15 Year Anniversary photo contest. At left is Anthony Phillips, September winner. At right is Patrick Ward, October winner.