Pass the Popcorn, It is Movie Time

Image: © Shutterstock

Image: © Shutterstock

A couple months ago, I wrote a column about telling your story. I had read a story about a female winemaker and her vineyard that motivated me to write the column. I read it. I like reading. I read all day, every day. And 99% of the reading I do is on some type of gadget whether it be desktop computer, laptop computer, iPad or phone. Reading is my preferred method of acquiring knowledge, not watching videos. I don’t even have speakers on my desktop computer.

Why am I telling you this? Because I watched a documentary last winter called “Jiro Dreams of Sushi.” If you haven’t seen it, it is the story of 85-year-old Jiro Ono. He is the proprietor of Sukiyabashi Jiro, a 10-seat, sushi-only restaurant in Tokyo. The first sushi restaurant be awarded a three-star Michelin Guide rating. Watching the movie and hearing Jiro’s story, made me want to visit his restaurant just as reading the article about Claudia Purita made me want to visit One Woman Vineyards.

Tell your story on video

This month we are all about telling your story – the one you wrote after you read that column — on video. If you need some convincing, here are a couple of pretty impressive YouTube statistics:

  • More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube monthly;
  • More than 6 billion hours of video are watched monthly on YouTube;
  • Every minute, 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube;
  • According to Nielsen, YouTube reaches more US adults ages 18 years to 34 years than any cable network; and
  • Millions of subscriptions happen daily and the number of people who subscribe daily has increased three times since last year. The number of daily subscriptions has increased more than four times since last year as well.
Elizabeth Mansfield


One of the reasons YouTube is so popular and successful is because it is easy. Every single one of the gadgets I mentioned previously – desktop computer, laptop computer, iPad, phone – all have the ability to record video. They all can connect to the Internet, which means they all have the ability to upload that video. I do not need to use statistics to prove to you that people will watch anything. So if you are worried about recording your story and uploading it and not having anyone watch it, do not worry. People will watch anything.

Important tips

If you are going to record your story so you can share it online, you do not need Steven Spielberg and a $3 million budget. However, you could use some tips:

  • Practice makes perfect. No one wants to hear a lot of “ums,” “uhs” or “likes.” Practicing your story makes it easier to avoid those verbal fillers.
  • Use visual aids. Sure you are adorable, but showing a picture of you in O&P school or holding up the first orthosis you ever sold or a picture of the car you drove back when you covered all of the eastern part of the United States helps build interest. Do not be afraid to use props.
  • Research. Watch other people tell their stories online. I highly recommend “Jiro Dreams of Sushi” and you do not even have to watch the whole thing. There are clips all over the Internet.
  • Keep it short. Respect your potential viewer’s time. Keep it under 3 minutes.

O&P is a fascinating business. Most people I have met have an interesting story about their start in the field. Now is the time to show and tell your story! When you are finished, email me the link at [email protected].

For more information:
Elizabeth Mansfield is the president of Outsource Marketing Solutions. She can be reached at [email protected].

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