ORLANDO, Fla. — Amputees showed reduced asymmetry during sit-to-stand trials while using a microprocessor knee, but had longer rise times, according to results of a study presented at the O&P World Congress, here.
“We are concerned about the comorbidities that people develop on the contralateral limb,” Vibhor Argawal, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, said. “If an amputee puts more weight on their good side 15 or 16 times a day, then that has to contribute to comorbidities on the intact limb.”

Vibhor Argawal
Argawal‘s study compared weight distribution symmetry between an amputated limb and intact limb for unilateral transfemoral amputees. It included four unilateral transfemoral amputees with no pre-existing conditions on the contralateral limb who used the POWER KNEE (Ӧssur Americas, Foothill Ranch, Calif.). Each participant performed three to five sit-to-stand trials, and symmetry data was collected and compared to age-matched non-amputee control subjects.
The researchers found the longer rise time was because it took amputees more time to stabilize after the deceleration event. According to Argawal, more research is needed to examine this further, but rehabilitative instruction on how to stand on an active, powered prosthesis could be a solution.
“Future research could try to seek ways to minimize the asymmetry,” he said.
For more information:
Argawal V. Comparison of weight distribution symmetry and time duration during sit-to-stand movement of unilateral transfemoral amputees. Presented at: O&P World Congress. Sept. 18-21, 2013. Orlando, Fla.
Disclosure: Argawal has no relevant disclosures.