CMS will host second Open Door Forum about proposed template

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) will host its second Suggested Electronic Clinical Template for Lower Limb Prosthesis Open Door Forum on June 13 from 4-5 p.m. EST.

This is the second in a series of Open Door Forums addressing CMS’s suggested template for the prescription of lower limb prostheses. The forums allow physicians, prosthetists, and other healthcare providers to give feedback on the development of a Lower Limb Prosthesis Electronic Template. According to CMS, the template will help physicians document notes that substantiate a patient’s need for a lower-limb prosthesis and may also facilitate the electronic submission of medical documentation.

At the conclusion of the series, CMS plans to forward the resulting list of clinical elements to the electronic Determination of Coverage (eDoC) workgroup, which is focused on giving practitioners access to payer-approved tools, according to a press release.

To participate in the Open Door Forum, call (800) 837-1935. The conference ID is 75399655.

To read the complete suggested template, visit here. Comments on the document can be sent to [email protected].

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